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TEDU-GO Virtual Incubation Program

Summary Information 

As TEDU Entrepreneurship Office, we aim to support individuals who can develop innovative solutions to the problems in our country and in the world in every way they can turn these solutions into successful commercial or social enterprises. With the Virtual Incubation Program we have developed in this context, we will support startups in many areas from the idea stage to the business plan, from the first product/service modeling to commercialization. If you have a startup idea, you can join the TEDU-GO Virtual Incubation Program and bring your startup to life with TEDU-GO. 

Apply to Virtual Incubation Program

Principles of Practice 

The application principles determined within the scope of the TEDU-GO Virtual Incubation Program are stated below. 


Receipt of Applications 

The Office of Entrepreneurship calls for applications for the Virtual Incubation Program twice a year. These calls are determined by considering the intensity of the academic calendar and are published on the website of the Entrepreneurship Office.  

Applications are sent to the Entrepreneurship Office by filling out the form in Annex-2. 

Evaluation of Applications  

Applications are evaluated over 1 point by the Startup Advisory Board with the weighted average method in the light of the Virtual Incubation Program Evaluation Criteria below. As a result of the evaluation, a main list is created from the enterprises that score 0.7 and above. Startups evaluated between 0.6 and 0.7 points, including 0.6, are placed on the waiting list, and startups below 0.6 points are not included in the Incubation Program.  

Startups that cannot participate in the Virtual Incubation Program can reapply in the next period. 

Virtual Incubation Program Evaluation Criteria 

  1. Innovation Level (Weight: 0.25):
    1. The level of innovation measures the degree to which the project is innovative and unique. 
    2. For example, creative solutions, new perspectives brought to the sector are evaluated.
  2. Market Potential (Weight: 0.25):
    1. Market potential evaluates how much growth potential the project has in the target market. 
    2. Factors such as market analysis, target audience size, and competition situation are considered. 
  3. Team Capabilities (Weight: 0.25):
    1. It evaluates the team's capabilities, experience, knowledge, and collaboration capabilities of the team members working on the project. 
    2. Relevant experience, educational background, and team cohesion are important. 
  4. Sustainability and Scalability (Weight: 0.15):
    1. Sustainability includes the project's chances of long-term success, environmental impacts, and societal benefit. 
    2. Scalability evaluates the growth potential of the project. 
  5. Potential to Contribute to Society (Weight: 0.1):
    1. It includes factors such as the project's potential to contribute to society, social responsibility, diversity, and impact on its overall welfare.


Score = (Level of Innovation x 0.25) + (Market Potential x 0.25) + (Capabilities of the Team x 0.25) + (Sustainability and Scalability x 0.15) + (Potential to Contribute to Society x 0.1) 


Participation in the Virtual Incubation Program 

A 3-week call period is determined to collect applications for the Virtual Incubation Program, and all applications are evaluated within 2 weeks following the call period. On the last working day of the 2-week period, the main and reserve list entitled to participate in the program is announced. 

Virtual Incubation Program 

The Virtual Incubation Program is organized in two periods of 6 months + 6 months. While training and mentoring support is provided for the participants of the program in the first 6-month period, support is provided in the second 6-month period in line with the demands of the initiatives and within the available possibilities. 

In the first 6 months of the Virtual Incubation Program, basic entrepreneurship training is provided, and 14 weeks (about 3 months) of mentoring support is provided under the headings of Idea Development, Business Plan, Prototype Preparation, Customer Development, Financing and Company Establishment. Mentoring support; It is carried out by people in the mentor network of the Entrepreneurship Office, with matches focusing on the needs of the startups. Within the program's scope, all support is done in a hybrid model, both online and face-to-face.  

Departure and Graduation from the Virtual Incubation Program 

Entrepreneurs participating in the Virtual Incubation Program in 3-month periods; It is evaluated in areas that are developing, need to be developed and cannot be improved. The evaluation process is an important milestone to ensure that the initiative benefits from the program and to realize the sustainable business model. As a result of these evaluations made in 3-month periods and for each period, a decision is made whether the initiative continues the program or leaves the program. Startups can leave the program at any time, regardless of this evaluation process. 

Startups that successfully carry out the process and complete the 6-month period are expected to establish a company. Startups that become companies graduate from the program. Startups that cannot reach the stage of establishing a company in the first 6 months will continue to be supported for 6 months if they request. During this period, they are evaluated in 3-month periods and graduate at the end of the second 6-month period.